Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Whirlwind in the Fog

Another day has started and my mind is still in a fog. Yesterday was full of necessary things for the house. Grocery shopping. Food for the people, food for the dog, treats for the guinea pig. My kitchen counter is a pile of grocery bags with stuff waiting to be put away.
 AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! There goes the 3 1/2 year old tornado through the house with a handful of caterpillars, dropping them all way to the bedroom. Apparently they felt the need to go for a ride in the school bus. There he goes, back out the door. Oh no, now we have a pincher bug in the living room! Dear Lord, I don't think this posting is going to happen at this moment. Pause........................... All I want to do is go play in the dirt!
Looks like there will be no dirt today. Quiet reigns supreme now, nap time. I have a chance to grab a quick bite and maybe get this done, while eating. After lunch, we are going to prepare meals for the freezer so we can be somewhat organized and I can be in the yard.
The plants are calling from the greenhouse,"PLANT ME, PLANT ME." I have hostas, lilies, several different varieties of vines, shrubs, trees and numerous other small perennials that need to stretch their feet out in the soil. But, it's not going to happen today. Heavy Sigh! Oh Bother! The small child is rising from within and I hear this little voice questioning, "Why do I have to do my chores? I want to play outside!" Oh well, I'll make a deal with myself to get all the boring stuff inside done today and then tomorrow, I'll get to play out side. Begrudgingly, my inner child gives in to this deal but mutters as she disappears, knowing that we all have to be grown-ups at times.
For now, adult back at the reins and lunch having been consumed, it's time to close this and be creative in the kitchen. Fortunately, I love to prepare food for my wonderful family!

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