Monday, August 8, 2011

Family Indulgences

I Love My Family! My Husband is at the top of my list. Without him, none of this would have been possible. What a wonderful man I got when GOD sent him my way. He is strong, handsome, funny and has done a wonderful job of providing and caring for his family. He also indulges me with most all my whims, tangents, and addictions. Yes, I said addictions!
You see, I have to confess, I am an out in the open, blatant plantaholic. I don't know how this happened but it did. It started years ago with just a little patch of bare ground and has grown over the years. We now have a couple of hundred trees, numerous perennial beds, a lupine filled meadow and a fenced in, raised bed veggie garden. It's meant alot of work, clearing brush, digging holes, digging more holes, putting in fence posts and fencing that's over 8 feet high (we have a large deer population), digging trenches for water and electrical lines, sprinklers, timers, hundreds of feet of drip lines and the list still goes on.
My dear, sweet husband, at one point in time, asked me if I had enough plants. My response was, "No, I can still see dirt." Do you know how much bare dirt there is on 3 1/4 acres of land? ALOT! I have only begun to scratch the surface. My perfect idea of our place would be having it look like an arboretum. I don't know if that will ever be accomplished in my lifetime but I am still working on it. You see, my family and my yard are what gives my life meaning, great joy and peace. I am at peace when I am out in the yard, the children are running around enjoying nature and I am head down, knees and hands in the dirt. The garden is my church, my sanctuary and a great builder of faith.
I mean, how can you question a greater power when you look at all the small wonders in your garden.

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